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Logistic Aspects of Modernization
of Power Generation Facilities in Russia
May 13, 2020
Moscow, The President Hotel
EnergyLogistics will be held
in Moscow (Russia) on May 13, 2020
At the conference that will be held in May we will discuss features of power generating industry modernization and its logistic aspects,
as well as consider Russian and world experience in implementing complex projects for the delivery of equipment for power plants.
Power generating companies, logistics experts, freight carriers, equipment vendors, and companies from related industries are invited to participate in the conference.
In 2019, after long discussions, the Russian government launched a large-scale program for the modernization of the thermal power industry.
Over the next 10 years 39 GW of power capacities with a total cost of almost 30 billion euros will be modernized. In the Far East diesel generation can be replaced with new one using renewable energy sources. Power generating companies have already been implementing projects for the modernization of their own facilities and planning new ones.
These events will have a significant impact on the freight transportation market in the power industry and will become a driver of its growth in the coming years.

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Russian
We invite you to take part
in the EnergyLogistics 2020!
Preliminary Program
May 13, 2020
09:00 – 10:00
Registration of participants, accreditation of mass media
Welcome tea, coffee
10:00 – 12:30
Main discussion session:

The future of modernization of Russian power industry: logistic aspects
Issues for discussion:

  • Status and prospects of the program for the modernization of generating equipment for thermal power plants
  • Non-governmental modernization: expected private projects in the area of electric power industry modernization
  • Which regions and projects are the most promising in terms of transportation?
  • Key decisions of the authorities and specifics of the legislative regulation of transportation: focus on cargo for the energy sector
12:30 – 14:00
Meetings, building contacts, negotiations
14:00 – 15:30
Session 2.

Features, solutions and technologies of electric power industry equipment transportation
Issues for discussion:

  • What solutions and technologies have already been used: latest trends
  • Problems faced by freight owners and carriers in the delivery of equipment for the electric power industry and methods for solving them
  • Niceties of customs regulation when importing equipment for the electric power industry
  • Safe transportation of generation equipment: probable risks and means to reduce them
  • New technologies for transportation, unloading and loading
  • Specifics of freight insurance for the electric power industry: how not to run into troubles

15:30 – 16:00
Coffee break
Informal communication
16:00 – 17:30
Session 3.

Cases of Russian and European companies for the transportation of equipment for power plants
Best practices from freight carriers and owners.
Informal communication
Terms and Conditions
If you register and make a payment before February 21, 2020
28 000 roubles | 560 euro
If you register and make a payment before March 31, 2020
32 000 roubles | 640 euro
If you register and make a payment before April 1, 2020
36 000 roubles | 720 euros
The registration fee includes:
  • Participation in the conference events included in the program
  • Lunch
  • Coffee breaks
  • Evening cocktail
  • Handouts (participant's portfolio with all necessary conference materials, a catalogue of conference participants with contact information)
  • Placement of brief information about the company, contact information and logo in the conference catalogue and on the official website
  • Materials on the results of the conference (photo report, presentation of reports, catalogue of participants, resolution) in electronic form in the website private section
  • regular participants of events organized by ICF-International conferences – 10%
  • 2 and more representatives from one company – 15%
Additional advertising opportunities:
  • Virtual participation (placement of information in the catalogue of conference participants, inclusion of advertising materials in the portfolio of the conference participant) - 28,000 roubles / 560 euro
  • Inclusion of advertising materials in the portfolio of the conference participant - 24,000 roubles / 480 euro
  • Placement of a full-colour advertising module (A4 format) in the catalogue of conference participants - 18,000 roubles / 360 euro
  • Logo placement on full-colour ribbons of conference participants - 60,000 roubles / 1200 euro
  • Placement of a mobile banner at the conference venue - 24,000 roubles / 480 euro
  • Conference materials in electronic form -15,000 roubles /300 euro
Moscow, Russia
The President Hotel
Moscow (Russian: Москва) is the capital and most populous city of Russia. It is the second-most populous city in Europe, as well as the largest city (by area) on the European continent. Moscow has one of the world's largest urban economies, being ranked as an alpha global city.
The venue of the EnergyLogistics —
the President Hotel.
Traditionally the President Hotel has been a venue for conventions of heads of states and governments, international forums, conferences and congresses, representatives of political, business, cultural, art and sport associations.
Organizing Committee
Conference registration and other issues
ICF - International Conferences
+7 (495) 646-01-51, ext. 40 (English speaking)
+7 (812) 448-08-48, ext. 40 (English speaking)
Svetlana Barsukova
Participation and Sponsorship
Aishe Yanikova
Speakers and Governments
EnergyLogistics 2020
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