
Smart Ports Russia 2022 will bring together ports and terminals in Moscow

The second conference on the modernization of ports and terminals Smart Ports Russia 2022 will be held in Moscow on March 15, 2022

The first conference Smart Ports Russia was held in March 2021 and brought together more than 120 delegates. The vast majority of representatives from stevedoring companies are top managers and owners. Conference participants are the Port of Antwerp, the Port of Hamburg, the Port of Valencia, Eurogate, the Commercial Port of Vladivostok, the Sea Port of St. Petersburg, Baltic Bulk Terminal, NUTEP Container Terminal, Container Terminal St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga Multimodal Complex, the Sukhodol Sea Port, Taman Seaport, Novorossiysk Grain Terminal, Novotrans Group of Companies, Port Logistics, the Port of Tolyatti, Primorsk Universal Loading Complex, the Port of Rostov-on-Don, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Bely Rast Terminal and Logistics Center, Port Infrastructure Development Center and many others.

Over the past decade, the stevedoring business has invested billions of euros in the creation and renovation of port facilities. The commissioning of new terminals and port complexes intensifies not only international, but also internal competition. Unsuccessful ports will lose their cargo base. This primarily applies to those ones that do not have a geographic advantage. In the long term, as competition increases, geographic advantages will also recede into the background, and the least efficient players will be gradually squeezed out. According to various estimates, now only about 20% of ports in the world use digital technologies in their work. No less acute is the problem of equipment modernization. However, every year more and more stevedoring companies invest in modernization and digital transformation. In the future, they will cross over to the bulk of freight traffic as the most effective links in a large logistics chain.

The conference will be attended by top managers and owners of ports, terminals, cargo owners, carriers, logistics experts, and companies from related industries.

You can register for Smart Ports Russia 2022 conference at or by calling the Organizing Committee: +7 (495) 646-01-51, +7 (812) 448-08-48,

Conference organizer: ICF-International Conferences.
2022-01-20 16:53 News of Smart Ports Russia